The Influence of PBL Model by Inductive Learning Approach to the Achievement of Students at Grade XI Exact SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba
Syamsul Bahri, 2013. The influence of problem based learning model to the student’s achievement grade XI Exact SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba (Study with the topic is Fluid). Thesis. Study program of ICP Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University (led by Hj. Nurhayati dan Abdul Haris Bakri).
This research is a quasy experimental research aimed to know the influence of problem based learning model to the student’s achievement grade XI Exact SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba with the topic fluid. The research design is Non-equivalent Control Group Design. Population in this research are class XI Exact1 and XI Exact2 SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba that consist of 62 students. This research use purposive sampling to choose a control and an experimental class. And the choosen class is Grade XI Exact1 as experimental group and XI Exact2 as control group. This research is consist of two variables, they are dependend variable and independend variable. Problem based learning model, Inductive approach, and convensional learning (controll class) are independen varibles, and student’s achievment is dependent variable. Collecting of data done with giving the pre-test and post-test. The test is multiple choice consist of 23 items. Data result analyze by using descriptive and inferensial analyze. Descriptive analyze result show the gain mean of experiment class is 7,65 and control class is 2,10 with deviation standard is 2,75 for experiment class and 1,38 for control class. The result shows that the alternative hypothesis H1 is accepted and Ho is refused, with the significance degree α = 0,05. This shows that problem based learning model influences to the increasing of student’s physics achievment at grade XI Exact SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba with main topic is fluid.
Key Words: Problem based Learning Model, Inductive Approach, Achievment.
Universitas Negeri Makassar
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